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What if the Trump presidency..is the Proof that God doesnt exist....? | |||
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what if the scrolls is proof Thersites & BrucE doesn't exist? | |||
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What if Amber Heard is proof feminism doesn't exist? What if Alzheimer's is proof aging gracefully doesn't exist? What if cats are proof humans don't need romance to not have to sleep alone? What if...there is no Trump, he never existed, he's just a hologram, MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What If.. WTF are you 2 doing here in the middle of the night....? What If...Oh Its not that late...LoL? What if its supposed to snow here tonite & tomorrow..? What If 1" of slush generally & up 3 " in the Higher elevations & stuff? | |||
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What If goes back to watchin Wlakin Ded ? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if holy shite, Brucy, where do you live??? ![]() ![]() What if, well not that I haven't heard of snow in April lol but it's pretty close to May now and we've had some erm, interesting weather in Philadelphia...? What if not snow, but the days run warm and cold, today's supposed to be cold but in the 40's mainly and it's sunny outside? ![]() What if I got my first taste of what "snow" is like when I lived with Nick for 3 months in the 'burbs??? What if the snow was about 10 inches, whereas in Philly I think it was about 4...this was early January? ![]() What if people in Philly, yep, even REAL urban folk tend to crowd supermarkets whenever they hear of even an INCH of snow? ![]() What if...spoiled babies, I tell ya!!!! ![]() ![]() What if, having heard about New Hampshire, Vermont and other places like that...of course we DID have those 30 inch blizzards, one in 1993, another in 1996? ![]() What if me and my then boyfriend walked a WHOLE MILE in 30 inches of snow to get ourselves some beer for the next 24 hours???? What if...hmmmm, could anyone in that couple have used a bit of AA, ya think? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if holy shite, Brucy, where do you live??? Eek Eek Buffalo,NY. Lake erie Freezes over Almost every winter.. Its stillcold now 37F I think, friday. So spring is a bit late close to the shore. tomorrow its going to be almost 60f far from the lake,low 50s where I am & low 40s downtown Buffalo. Average temps her on this date 60/41 So yeah, its been a rotten year so far temp wise. | |||
Scroll Obsessive |
YaY! Trump IS a HOLLOW-GRAM !!!! * | |||
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What if YaY Again..! This is my 1400th post! WHat if I miss Linxi....as I have no-one to YaY with anymore..? | |||
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what if I'll YAY with you, I just got back from a rather stressful errand and am so relieved just to be able to unwind right now, that it's worth a big YAY of my own!!!! ![]() What if, but congrats on your 1400...I'll have 3122 after this post? What if, I forgot about how we all would count posts and have different statuses like what was it, Henchman, Guardian, whatnot...now it's "scroller needing therapy" which is more accurate anywho? ![]() What if, my dad is all moved into his new digs, a place that actually looks and seems like it will work really well for him? What if, I really REALLY hope it all goes well cuz he needs all the help he can get? What if, I was on the phone with him and he kept asking when I was coming to pick him up? ![]() What if he also said he was in the hospital because something was wrong with him but no one could figure out what it was, which(he said), happens sometimes in certain situations? What if I REALLY really hate Alzheimer's and do not wish it on anyone...I mean ANYONE? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if...Yes! 1 Senile President {Ronny Raygun} was one more than I ever wanted..?!? What if it was 80F here today...? & no I didnt move to the Sahara.. What if in fact I aint budged an inch..? What if some Hay-Suess dude told me xc has Phantasies about Hillarity Clinton....? What if..I wonder X-Rated..? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if, lmao, YIKES!!! ![]() ![]() What if, Hilarity was a crappy candidate even if she ever had any interest in doing good for this country? What if all she did was throw mud on Donald the Narcissist, while assuming people would just KNOW she was the only one for the job, even tho she never said much about what she'd actually DO??? ![]() What if, that did nothing but show her as a narcissist in her own right? ![]() What if narcissist vs. narcissist as prez candidates does not a great country make??? What if we're better off with animals as presidents or children or maybe just try organized anarchy if there is such a thing...? ![]() What if prolly not, we prolly need to turn to people more expert...and much as people might resist the Native Americans as experts, they were here first and they did it for years before Columbus and his rapin-arsed crew got here! ![]() What if my only x-rated fantasies involve Johnny Depp who, thankfully, I cannot see running for president? ![]() What if, I had a good laugh with Marilyn Manson though when he said he'd be Johnny's VP!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I've been listening to a lot of Heart lately, particularly Ann Wilson's thing??? ![]() What if I SO had the hots for her for years...she's still hot AND a great singer and such??? ![]() What if...but there's this one problem y'all might know about if you've followed the tale of the infamous Wilson sister rift??? ![]() What if, Ann WIlson seems to have EXTREMELY crappy taste in men???? ![]() ![]() What if, judging by the guy she married who assaulted her twin nephews last year ...they were 16???? What if, the guy looks like a bit of a psycho, his eyes are not right, especially in this pic??? ![]() ![]() What if actually, he looks like Gollum from Lord of the Rings lmao sorry! ![]() What if, I don't think Ann is secretly gay at this point, she's too outspoken on issues and stuffage so...it wouldn't make sense, even if it makes for nice fantasies now and again? ![]() ![]() What if, but man, that whole weight stigma thing really seemed to hurt her, so she prolly thinks she can't do much better than a weird "zen warrior" who grabs teenagers by the throat because of a relatively minor thing??? ![]() What if, Nancy was definitely right to call the cops on that man!!! What if, he paid his dues but now Heart is more of Heart-BROKEN? ![]() What if, I don't think they'll get back together any time soon, the two sisters aren't even speaking apparently? What if, welllll, can't say I blame Nancy, sorry Ann, you're hot and your voice cooks with fire but girl, seriously....??? WTF are you still DOING with that guy???? What if...should we be calling Dean Wetter the new Yoko Ono or whaaaaat? ![]() What if, no, Yoko Ono is a cooler name...plus, I don't think she assaulted any kids...actually I like Yoko and don't think it was a bad thing that John wanted to be with her and do his own thing...even if it broke many hearts? What if, it's kinda weird and ironic tho, that Ann and Nancy Wilson were all into the Beatles and now they seem to be following in their legacy!!!! ![]() ![]() What if, ahhhhh, music culture, gotta love it!!!! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I watched the International Space Station go by overhead just B4 dawn...likw say 1/2 hour ago..? Just looks like a bright star...moving fairly quickly... Was visible for less than a minute... I unfortunately went outside without my Binoculars....so I couldnt see what it looked like @ 10x Magnification.. Considering it was probably over 200 miles away most of the time....Im not sure 10x woulda made much difference.. Maybe I will be more prepared...say tomorrow if I remember.. | |||
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What if I looked upon the Moons of Jupiter....which is at its closest point tonite...for this year...? Saw 2 of the 4 that Are visible from earth with good Binoculars... Th most I have ever seen is 3 at one time... | |||
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What if I'm doing pretty good with these here local movies? ![]() What if the latest one I made is gonna be featured at an event in Philly? What if the event is actually Sold Out, AND there's a waiting list just in case of cancellations??? ![]() ![]() ![]() What if, there will be other movies featured as well, but damn, that never happens in Philly, at least nothing I'm involved in... ![]() What if I'm also singing at that event and it's the first time I ever sang for something that was sold out??? ![]() ![]() ![]() What if I'm working on another movie that I wrote and trying to get ppl on board to film it, act in it and such? What if, y'all can check out the latest one if ya want, here it is on YouTube! ![]() What if it's very short...a psych thriller horror drama about a lesbian couple who want to get married but one of them has a psychopathic religious zealot for a mother who...well...makes a practice of "cleansing" the world of all who "live in sin?" ![]() ![]() ![]() What if, I think it came out pretty good overall...I'm heavier than I want to be but that will hopefully change once the dust settles a bit and I can focus on more healthier things? ![]() What if, in other news, my mom ended up taking my dad home cuz it turned out that facility deserved its 1 star rating??? ![]() ![]() What if he's apparently on better meds, so here's hoping it all works out? What if but now my mom's mad at me too for some preconceived notion...will this madness never stop? ![]() What if oh well, not gonna dwell right now, but I will try not to turn to sugar for comfort today...hopefully the weather will get better! ![]() ![]() ![]() What if...there's always music, and seeing Johnny Depp in Hollywood Vampires next Monday...whoohoo! ![]() What if...well, onward and upward! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if i watched your video, Kate? i understood it though in the middle, the audio was hard to understand. Maybe it's a youtube thing or maybe my speakers but the beginning & ending was clear. 1 star facility, yeah, i can imagine they deserve it, and i wouldn't even trust 4 star ratings cuz you never know if the ratings are coming from staff employees. My books i'm writing had would-be mobsters in Philly. i'm moving them to Tucson cause they got in too much trouble. Now i gotta do google research on Tucson. Good luck on your films. Maybe you'll co-star with Johnny someday. | |||
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What if thanks, xc, and glad to hear your story is going so well! What if, yeah, right now I'd just be grateful to get a hug from Johnny, the way I feel now... I'm having one of those moments one has when they have a pretty good day, productive day, and were looking forward to a productive and inspiring weekend, only to get horrible news at 11pm last night... My sister, whom I've had a love-hate relationship with all my life texted me and told me she has lung cancer. I texted back and was just like, "I am so sorry..." thinking how lame that must sound. Then a beat later I called her. Got her voice mail after two rings, told her I love her and if she needs anything just call. Then the damn tears happen... So now this morning I'm listening to Jethro Tull's Acqualung album wondering what else I can do. I'm remembering a story Nick told me about his aunt who had cancer and another family member was going to donate stem cells and that would have saved her life. But something happened in the interim and she never got the stem cells so she ended up dying anyway...that's not a pleasant story. But maybe I'll look into the stem cell thing, who knows, someone in the family could be a match...? ...that moment you learn that someone has a life sentence and you think of all kinds of things that can keep that reality from following through...but hell, it can't hurt to explore whatever options exist. This is almost worse for my dad especially because he's still within his mental facilities enough to remember everyone but lung cancer is insidious and usually kills, and his Alzheimers isn't fully advanced yet. It would suck for him to outlive my sister while his own life is slowly being drained out of him... If all else fails, I'd love to see them prescribed a 'right to die" cocktail and throw a huge-assed sendoff party, like Doug Stanhope did for his mother. That would be the best if there's no way out of death...better than prolonged pain.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What If I just watched the ISS zoom by overhead at @11:20 PM EDT???? What If? I use this site...to know whats up? ISS will cross your sky in 1h 25m What If it orbits in 93Mins..So it will come by again soon? What If this viewing will be hard to top because I saw it just as it passed by the moon...& the upper atmosphere is all Hazy..? What If I then looked south out of the front window & jupiter is there...@ the same brightness as the ISS? What If I might hafta celebrate with my fave Coffee Flavored ice-cream? What If its 11:35 & its just moving over Spain ? | |||
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What If its too late for ISS tonite... But What If my grand-daughter turned 3 a few days ago..? What If some long hard daze might just be coming to an end for a bit... What If I chipped a filling in a front tooth back a bit? | |||
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What if, my sister's cancer has spread to her liver? What if she's on morphine and oxycodone for pain? What if we're still waiting to hear about her options, but my sister's made it clear she doesn't want any difficult, invasive treatment when there's never a guarantee of the cancer going away? What if I get that, and while I hope there's a treatment that can zap this cancer and send it to hell, I can see how sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease... What if, I just am waiting, and trying to hold it together, who knows...I have no idea? What if, maybe aliens will invade this planet and we'll be forced to compromise our ways in exchange for the cure for every earthly epidemic imaginable...? What if..I have no idea. I just hate this. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What If Im saddened for you all.....? What If best of luck to you & her..? What If I was gonna post that my tooth is fixed & the van should be right again soon..but I wont because it now seems so insignificant? | |||
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What if, thanks Brucy!!! What if I'm glad your tooth is fixed...dental health is very significant. What if one bad tooth when not taken care of can lead to all kinds of problems, heart disease for one, hell who knows what else??? what if that's something I need to do VERY soon, get the teeth fixed? What if there is something about a terminal illness that makes all the other ways to stay healthy very high on the list of things to do! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if my sister started chemo and is doing better than before? What if I'm going to her house tonight along with two cousins I haven't seen in a couple years? What if, my sister was saying she might have 2 years tops to live, and I suggested she ask the docs about stem cell treatment...in case that can actually SAVE her. What if, aside from that, just doing my life, and wish everyone a happy hump day(Wednesday)!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if wishing your sister the best, Kate? i still haven't seen any of my relatives in nearly seven months now. Not sure when that's going to change. Makes me kinda bitter that mama xc did so much for them & now that she's gone they stay away. what if at least i have Natalie Adele, or maybe the cat has me? Now i have to go feed her before she throws a hissing fit. | |||
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